Dr. Sunil K. Ahuja is the 2023 BioMedSA Award Recipient for Innovation in Healthcare and Bioscience. He serves as Professor and Director at S TX Veterans Health Care System, Professor at UT Health SA, and as the President’s Council/Dielmann Chair of Excellence in Medical Research. Dr. Ahuja is a renowned researcher in aging, allergy/asthma and serious infectious diseases (including COVID-19) studies, and is highly recognized for his research on HIV/AIDS while at NIH. Dr. Ahuja has received many prestigious awards, including the NIH MERIT award. We will hear from him about how his research has had a global impact.
Dr. Sunil K. Ahuja
Professor and Director at South Texas Veterans Health Care System
Dielmann Chair of Excellence in Medical Research, UT Health
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Chat with the PresenterÂ
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